
Showcase your provision for learners' personal development in a beautiful online grid.

Book a demo and get a free 30 day trial


Purpose-built for alternative provision with criteria customised to your AP.


Helps you showcase your AP with confidence and clarity to Ofsted inspectors.


Teachers capture and map evidence of provision in just 60 seconds.


Show your coverage of SMSC, British values, RSE, PHSE, Gatsby - anything you choose.

Designed for your alternative provision

Unlike other software, GridMaker™ is tailored for alternative provision. It's preloaded with relevant criteria and customised to your setting. 

We've worked with AP settings for over 20 years - so we know the the importance of tailored tools and a personalised service to match.  Book a demonstration to talk about your AP and see how we can help.

All forms of alternative provision
SMSC, British Values, RSE, Gatsby, PSHE, Careers

Everything in one place: SMSC, British values, RSE, PHSE, Gatsby, Wellbeing...

Capture your contribution to learners' "personal development" and show stakeholders and Ofsted what a difference you make.

The recent introduction of an Ofsted judgement for "Personal Development" means a renewed focus on this important aspect of learning. We know this has always been a strength in AP - now this tool helps you prove it.

Capture and map evidence in less than 60 seconds

Your teachers' time is precious and already stretched - so we enable them to capture evidence of any activity in less than 60 seconds.

Yes, any learning activity, whether it be a lesson, outdoor event, animal encounter, therapy session or external visitor can be captured and mapped to relevant criteria in less than a minute. Book a demo to see how it's done.

Capture evidence of a lesson or activity in less than 60 seconds.
Map activities and lessons in a visual grid.

Quickly identify strengths and gaps in provision

By its very nature your visual grid will immediately show where you have good coverage and where you have gaps in provision.

GridMaker creates a central "grid" showing every aspect of your provision for learners' personal development with added tools which allow you to filter by specific groups, individual learners, activity types or subjects.

Beautiful charts and reports in just one click

Instant bar charts and reports to support your self-evaluation and improvement planning - or present to stakeholders, parents and inspectors.

GridMaker generates bar charts and detailed PDF reports which make perfect evidence to include in your iAbacus self-evaluation and improvement plan. Book a demo to see sample charts and reports.

Create reports to share with Ofsted inspectors and stakeholders.
Track activities at learner or group level.

Track provision at class, group or learner level - it's up to you

Activities can be quickly mapped to classes, groups or individual learners - or a mixture of both! The tool is designed to fit in with your needs - so you choose. 

If you're a small alternative provision with a highly personalised approach -you may choose to map activities to individual learners so you can create detailed reports showing their "personal development" journey.

Over 1000 schools, PRUs and alternative provision

With nearly one million activities captured and mapped since we launched in 2008 - we've proven GridMaker™ is quick, simple and effective!

Over the last 18 years we've trained thousands of teachers - helping them deliver and track value-based learning that focuses on learners' personal development.  Book a demo to meet a member of our AP support team.

Logos of various schools and alternative providers.

Book a demo to get a free 30 day trial

✅ No hard sell    ✅ Your questions answered   ✅ Free trial available